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Microwave Technologies Association

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Welcome to the Microwave Technologies Association Website:
News and Information:
February 2025

The Microwave Technologies Association has recently updated its website. New features include
Online Store

The website is separated into categories these are:
Fact Sheets
Joining the Microwave Technologies Association
Members Section

Look ’n’ Cook - videos

Comments, Questions and Queries can be addressed here: Contact Us

STOP PRESS - NOVEMBER 2024 Christmas is just around the corner.. So, if you’re looking for ideas : Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson - Chairman of the MTA says: 'If you are going to microwave just one dish at Christmas I’d go for vegetables - because all the nutrients are retained, you’re not only saving on energy costs and nutrients - the flavour and the colour of the vegetables is absolutely beautiful.” You can keep things simple when cooking them, for example with sprouts, “just peel them, put a cut across the bottom, rinse them under a tap and cook them in a covered dish for 3 - 4 minutes (900watts).” Stir up Sunday is also fast approaching - if you want to make the perfect Christmas pudding or or even Christmas cake in minutes - not hours then follow these links for the recipes: https://www.microwaveassociation.org.uk/recipes/recipe.php?id=103

STOP PRESS - JANUARY, 2024 AMDEA - IS LAUNCHING Register My Appliance week which runs 22-26 January 2024, AMDEA says more than 40 million large appliances are likely to be unregistered with the manufacturers, making them hard to trace if a safety repair is ever needed. Large, medium and smaller appliances can be registered – whether they are newly-purchased, long-installed, or acquired nearly-new or second-hand – easily and quickly at www.registermyappliance.org.uk/. Find out more here: https://www.registermyappliance.org.uk/press/press-releases/

Stop Press - July 2023 Want to know exactly how much it costs to cook your favourite meals - then look no further - here is the link to find out more: https://www.campdenbri.co.uk/cooking-energy.php

STOP PRESS - JULY 2023 Subject: Ping your heart out: how the UK fell back in love with the microwave
Ping your heart out: how the UK fell back in love with the microwave - The Guardian

STOP PRESS - May 2023 Yes - it’s true - microwaves really to save you money when cooking food from scratch - not to mention retain more nutrients than any other cooking method! Read here:https://inews.co.uk/news/consumer/microwaves-secret-net-zero-homes-2352362

Stop Press - February 2023 Did you know you can cook more than the occasional ready meal in the microwave oven - then look at this link: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/food/article-4811916/The-foods-NEVER-knew-cook-microwave.html
And what about new cancer treatments - cured with microwaves - have a look here: Research indicates skin cancer can be prevented by microwave dailymail.co.uk

Stop Press - November, 2022 Want some ideas to help with cooking the Christmas meals - look here for some inspiration: Christmas dinner hacks to reduce your energy spend

Stop Press - September, 2022
Paul Hide, CEO, AMDEA. “The MTA provides highly valuable information and support to those that manufacturer, sell, support and promote microwave technology cooking. AMDEA and its members have had a long association with the MTA and continue to support this very worthwhile organisation. We encourage all stakeholders in this sector to join the MTA to ensure that they can continue to represent this diverse and important industry sector.”

Stop Press - November 2021
Even Michelin Chefs are now promoting cooking with microwaves - here’s a link to some really great recipes..

And want to see how microwave cooking has changed since the 1907’s ? Then have a look at past Chairman - Jenny Webb’s feature about ‘retro cooking’ - Certainly nothing has changed in the pst 50 years - Have a look

Stop Press - August, 2021
Congratulations go to our Chairman : Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson, who has been given the ‘Points of Light Award’ by the Prime Minister for her charity and environmental work.
Here’s the link if you would like to read more: https://www.pointsoflight.gov.uk/uxbridge-scout-leader/

Stop Press 30th March, 2021
Do you want to learn more about Microwaves? Then come and join the Microwave Technologies Associations Spring Seminar...
Entitled "New developments in our Microwave world"! See new concepts, new ovens, new packaging ideas from around the world and new Smart kitchens - all in just one hour!
Come and join us.. on Wednesday 28th April, 2021 at 3 pm. Contact me at Jennipher@microwaveassociation.org.uk for details about the link!

Stop Press 29th March, 2021
Spring is here!
Have a look in the recipe section of our website for some great new recipes to brighten up your day!
For example: The best shortbread you have ever tasted… Made in moments in the microwave oven.

Stop Press January 2020
Want to know more about microwaves?
- How they cook, about nutrition, quality and safety of the food cooked in them?
- Then come and join one of our Webinars - that are being presented by the MTA in conjunction with IMPI.
Join us on 20th February, 31st March and 28th April at 4 pm UK time for approximately one hour of very useful information.
Spring Webinar Series 2020 - Consumer Microwave Cooking: Nutrition, Quality, and Safety.
Feb 20th – 11am-12pm ET – Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson, Chairman Microwave Technology Association, UK
March 31st – 11-12pm ET – Meredith Carothers, Technical Information Specialist, Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Education, Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA
April 28th – 11am-12pm ET – Sally Gerling, Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator – Gerling Dietetics & Nutrition- owner, private practice, nutrition counseling and education Modesto Junior College - adjunct nutrition instructor
FREE for all IMPI Members!
Complimentary for MTA-UK Members!
Non-members: $99 for one webinar; $259 for all three.
Register www.impi.org click the ONLINE STORE tab.

Stop Press - August 2018
The MTA is delighted to publish lots of short videos promoting recipes and general advice on microwave cooking. log in here to see them! http://microwaveassociation.org.uk/videos.php

Stop Press - 26 January 2018
A recent article in The Daily Express newspaper entitled : “Is your microwave KILLING the environment? Study claims they emit THIS much carbon dioxide. MICROWAVE ovens could be as bad for the environment as cars, new research suggested”. The article can be found here: Express Article
This is a response to the article which takes the electricity used and the carbon dioxide associated with the production, use and disposal of microwave ovens completely out of context, preferring to report the results from a scientific study as negative rather than positive. Click here for the PDF

Stop Press - January 2018
The MTA is delighted to announce that the MTA’s website received record ‘hits’ over the Christmas period - with recipes downloaded from the recipe section at an all time high! Here’s just one comment from a delighted user: Thank you very much for sharing your delicious recipe’s I have been using a microwave oven to cook food in for many years & with great results but for some reason I had never cooked a Christmas pudding in the microwave that is until last Christmas when I made your perfect Christmas pudding wow it was delightful. Best wishes From Lee Brown

Stop Press - August 2017
The media are taking note of the benefits of cooking food in a microwave oven at last - and the MTA is delighted to promote this new feature - that will help everyone to expand their microwave cooking skills. Follow this link - to find out more:
Daily Mail
Contact the MTA direct - if you would like some more recipes

Stop Press - June 2017
Cooking with a microwave oven - and a wok ! MTA Chairman Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson met up with celebrity Chef and ‘Wok cooking Entrepreneur’ Ken Hom recently at the Exclusively Housewares show at the London Business Design Centre to cook some great dishes. What greater way is there to cook in this 21st Century!
Jennipher and Ken

Stop Press - 12th May, 2017
Watch MTA Chairman Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson - cook LIVE on BBC 1’s prime time television programme ‘The One Show’! 7 pm Friday 5th May, 2017!
The BBC set Jennipher not one but 2 challenges - Firstly she was asked to cook a 3 course meal in the microwave oven - while Chef ‘Ricky’ cooked the same meal conventionally -after which, a blind tasting panel commented on both meals. Then, whilst live ‘on air’, on Friday 5th May, Jennipher was asked to replicate Aid Edmonson’s ‘Celebrity Masterchef’ prize winning dish - 'Baked Sea Bass stuffed with a Scallop mouse and served with a deconstructed Ratatouille’. Jennipher rose to both challenges superbly! You can watch the results on ‘Catch up’ - Friday May 5th, 7 pm - ‘The one Show’.

STOP PRESS - 28th February, 2017
Chris Evans of BBC Radio 2’s Breakfast Show fame, wanted to cook pancakes in a microwave oven for Shove Tuesday - so enlisted the help of MTA Chairman Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson.
Microwave is a moist method of cooking so unfortunately Jennipher, during her interview live on air had to inform Chris that is just wasn’t possible. They would turn out damp and soggy - so not a good advertisement for either microwaves or pancakes..
A really fun, informative interview - listen again here: URL:

Want some inspiration for cooking great food during the Christmas holidays - that must be quick and simple and yet really tasty…
Try these microwave cooking tips

STOP PRESS - 23rd November, 2016
The Microwave Technologies Association is proud to announce that, due to popular demand the BBC ‘Rip Off Britain - Food’ programme, that debunks the myths and promotes cooking with microwaves, has been shown again on BBC 1 during day time television on 22nd November, 2017.
The MTA’s website is already seeing increased web activity, and as a result has put the '2 1/2 family sponge cake and one minute fairy cakes' recipe into the recipe section of the website.

STOP PRESS - 15th July 2016
After attending a highly successful IMPI (International Microwave Power Institute) conference in the USA recently, MTA’s Chairman Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson, is delighted to support students from the ‘Food Engineering Club' at Washington State University, who are raising awareness about all the positive attributes about microwaves - as well as continuing to ‘debunk all the negative myths that still surround them.
They have produced these two excellent videos.. Watch and share..
1. Microwave ovens: how do they work ?
2. Microwave ovens: Is there a risk of Cancer ?

STOP PRESS - 3rd May 2016
Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson, Chairman of the MTA, is delighted to have been able to show viewers of the BBC 1 ‘Rip - off Britain / Food’ programme on Tuesday 3rd May, that microwaves really are safe and the best way to cook some foods.
Follow this link - to see the programme in full
http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b079r7zf/rip-off-britain-food-series-3-episode-7 The microwave programme is 32 minutes into the footage.

We are also delighted to be able to offer Jennipher’s new cook-book ‘Microwave Magic - The Heart of 21st Century Cooking', at a special discount price, in conjunction with this programme, it also won ‘The People’s Book Prize’ - so is well worth investing in, if you want to know more about microwaves and microwave cooking!
See our ‘Store’ for more details.

STOP PRESS - February 2016 Readers of this site living in Berkshire and Surrey can read this ‘good news about microwaves' interview that our Chairman Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson recently gave to 'Essential Surrey' and 'Essential Berkshire’ magazine for them selves in this free local publication. Jennipher is delighted to say that everyone can read it here. This is the link: http://www.essentialsurrey.co.uk/food-and-drink/microwave-jenkinson/

STOP PRESS - 16th December, 2015 The MTA is delighted to join forces with our member Sharp to promote their Christmas cooking made easy - read more here! We have also featured in the December issue of ‘Mum’s Survival Guide’. Here’s the link to making Christmas cooking - just that bit easier! http://issuu.com/mumssurvivalguide/docs/mums-survival-guide_xmas2015 Good cooking every one!

*STOP PRESS - 5th August 2015*
Our Chairman Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson was delighted to once again promote microwave cooking - ‘The Alternative BBC Bake Off’ during BBC Radio Surrey’s Breakfast show on Wednesday 5th August. The recipes prepared can be found using the following link : https://www.facebook.com/BBCSurrey

*STOP PRESS - 9th June 2015*
The MTA is delighted to announce that the British Standards Institution (BSI) have appointed our MTA Technical Officer - Gordon Andrews as a Microwave Expert.
Gordon will now represent Great Britain at IEC international microwave TC 59/SC - 59K/MT1 committee meeting activities.
We are all delighted that Gordon has accepted this auspicious position and that at last the microwave industry in the UK will have a common sense, knowledgable voice on this committee.

*Stop PRESS - 3rd June 2015*
The Microwave Technologies Association is delighted to link up today, with the 'Daily Star online' to produce this set of : 'SIX amazing things you never knew you could do in your microwave oven’. Use this link to look up more details: http://www.dailystar.co.uk/tech/news/445335/Five-top-tricks-microwave

*Stop Press - FEBRUARY, 2015*
Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson, Chairman of the MTA, is delighted to show this video : Making a ’Smoked Salmon and Spinach Roulade’ in a microwave oven. The video was produced recently by ‘Freemantle Media’, makers of food based programmes for Channel 4. So, please - Look, ‘like’ and ‘Share’ it … Never know, if enough people look and like it, they might might actually consider making a well needed tv programme on ‘cooking using a microwave oven’.

Here’s the link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHCi32TxNgA.

Readers of this website might like to listen to some long awaited, positive information about microwaves and microwave cooking on BBC Radio 4. The MTA’s Chairman - Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson will be talking ‘microwaves’ on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Food’ programme on Monday 8th February at 3.30 pm. Use the 'listen again' facility to listen via the internet.
If readers want some inspiration for microwave cookware - the 'Mail on Saturday' published a whole page of information and pictures of various microwave cooking gadgets - look on page 46 on Saturday 28th February, 2015 for more details.

*Stop Press - Winter 2013*
You're never to old to learn!
The MTA has also been working very successfully with David Malone of 'The Real Food Works' who have produced a short film of their work in conjunction with Age UK - entitled 'You're never to old to learn'! The video shows his cooking school in in the North East of England action - how they are changing older people's attitudes towards food and cooking, and teaching them how to cook for one's and two's, using solely microwave ovens to cook their food in.
A most successful on going project.
Watch the video to see for your self!

*Stop Press Winter 2013 - What an exciting year!*
Our Chairman Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson was recently invited to a lunch, courtesy of the London Bailliage of Chaine des Rotisseurs. The lunch was hosted by Bailliage member Anton Mossimann - who was delighted to inform our Chairman that 'Yes' they did have microwave and microwave combination ovens in their kitchens and YES - they were used to assist with the preparation of their fabulous meals. We knew it all the time!

*Stop Press - January 2013*
THE MTA is delighted to announce that it's AGM will be held in conjunction with Brighton University's Hotpot: End of Project Conference, at the Old Ship Hotel from 21st - 23rd January, 2013. With speakers from throughout Europe, it promises to be a very informative day.

Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson, continues to promote all aspects of microwave cooking on the various BBC local radio stations. She will be once 'talking about microwaves' on BBC Radio Wales on Friday 11th January between 10 -11 am and on BBC Radio South East on Tuesday 15th January between 1 - 2 pm. More dates to follow..

*Stop Press - March 2012*
At a presentation given by the *Catering Equipment Suppliers Association, during Hotelympia, at theExcel Centre, London - on 27th February, 2012, our Chairman - Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson, was given the 'CESA* - Food Service Order of Merit Award', for her 'significant voluntary contribution to the development of the hospitality industry'.

*Stop Press - November 2011*
Our Chairman - Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson, will be once again cooking live on BBC Radio on Saturday 19th November.

Jennipher will be joining show host Nick Coffers on his ' Weekend Kitchen' food show on Saturday 19th November, from 12 until 2 pm. on BBC Three Counties Radio.
She will be cooking a variety of main course meals - in the microwave oven, as well as christmas treats, like Christmas pudding - just in time for Britain's 'Stir Up Sunday, on 20th November, when traditionally people make their Christmas puddings and store them ready for Christmas.
If you can't listen live, then listen through the BBC iplayer.

Stop Press - May 2011
The MTA in conjuction with Campden BRI will be holding a seminar on Wednesday 13th July 2011 entitled 'Microwave Foods: innovations and implications. For more information see: Campden.co.uk/micro-foods-seminar.htm

Archive Press Information:

*Stop Press - November 2010*

Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson, Chairman of the MTA is delighted to announce the arrival of the latest Microwave Technologies Association cook-book -
Microwave Magic - The Heart of 21st Century cooking.
It follows the format of it's prize winning predecessor, which recently sold out and is now out of print.

The books can be purchased through the MTA's own web-site, as well as the national high street retailers, on line book stores and Lakeland Ltd.,
Every one at the MTA wishes it every success.

*Stop Press - June 2010*

MTA Chairman Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson will be showing listeners how to make the best of quick and simple summer cooking, including food for BBQ's whilst being the live guest in the studios on both the Anne Diamond show on Friday 4th June 2010 on BBC Radio Berkshire and on Wednesday 9th June on the Jo Good show on BBC Radio London. For more information, contact Jennipher direct - through 'Contact us..' on this website.
For more information contact Jennipher direct or BBC Radio London and BBC Radio Berkshire through their websites.

Jennipher is also delighted to inform readers that the cook-book - Microwave Magic - The Art of 21st Century cooking, has been short listed for the 'Peoples Book Prize', for the months of November, December and January 2010. For more information or to vote for the book see www.peoplesbookprize.com

*Stop Press - June 2009*
MTA's Technical Officer Gordon Andrews has, in conjunction with Heinz just launched the smallest microwave oven in the world.. 
For more information see the Press Release below or contact Gordon Andrews, MD of GAMA Microwave Technology Ltd. via this link. Gama Consultants

*Stop Press - May 2009*
MTA Member Bob Schiffmann has a new website www.microwaveinnovations.com .
*Stop Press - May 2009*
Please look out for MTA's Chairman: Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson as guest presenter on the UKTV food programme - 'The Market Kitchen'.

*Stop Press:*
MTA's Chairman - Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson - gave a joint cooking show with 'Times food writer - richard Ehrlich, at the recent Abergavenny Food Festival which was held over the weekend of 20 - 21st September.
Here is a précis of the feature Richard wrote about the event in ‘The Times’.
The full feature can be read at:
From The Times
October 11, 2008

Green kitchen: new wave cooking
The eco credentials of microwave recipes

Richard Ehrlich
At the Abergavenny Food Festival last month, I gave a joint demonstration on low-energy cooking with Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson, chairman of the Microwave Technologies Association. My spiel was about pressure cookers. No prizes for guessing what Marshall-Jenkinson talked about.

Among the dishes she cooked was a steamed toffee pudding which took all of seven minutes (and looked and tasted great). And watching her work made me think about two semi-imminent events. One is Energy Saving Week, which runs from October 20-26. The other is Christmas. Since you may already be planning on cooking your Christmas pudding, Marshall-Jenkinson and I both plead: cook it in your microwave.

Marguerite Patten, Britain’s senior cookery writer and a long-time microwave advocate, has published a microwave Christmas pudding recipe that calls for ten minutes of cooking. According to an analysis for Defra, cooking Christmas pud on an electric hob uses somewhere between 7.5 and 10 times more electricity than cooking it in a microwave.

What does that mean for the nation? Look at it this way: for every 10,000 Christmas puddings cooked from scratch in the microwave, we eliminate around 26,000 kWh of electricity use – enough to run 250 full-size dishwashers twice a week for a year. We also save tens of thousands of litres of water. And these savings increase if the pud is then heated for serving in the microwave. Similar savings can be made cooking rather more everyday dishes such as baked potatoes in the microwave.

Learn more about Energy Saving Week at http://tinyurl.com/54d7gs. Marshall-Jenkinson’s excellent book Microwave Magic: The Art of 21st Century Cooking (£12.95) can be purchased at www.microwaveassociation.org.uk .


*Stop Press - September 2008*
The MTA website has been updated again. Published in the Members Section are the 'Minutes' of the recent Members meeting which was held at the offices of InterTek on 22nd May, 2008.
The Autumn edition of 'Highlights' is also now available for viewing in the Members Section.
Lastly don't forget to lookout for the date & venue of the next Microwave Technologies Association members meeting,
which will be held 23rd October, 2008 at the offices of Amdea in central London.

*Stop Press - October 2007*
The MTA is delighted to congratulate our President - Marguerite Patten, on receiving the "Woman of the Year - Life time Achievement Award" , which was presented to her in a prestigious ceremony on Monday 15th October. For many years Marguerite has inspired generations of women to cook good healthy nourishing food for their families. During changing times and trends she has been true to her self and her good cooking ethics. Supporting our Association is a great accolade, for which we thank Marguerite very much. Jennipher Marshall-Jenkinson, Chairman"